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[13] S.Dashtinezhad, T. Nadeem, C. Liao, et al. Traffic View: a Scalable Traffic Monitoring System [C]. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management. Berkeley, California, USA, 2004. 13-26.

[14] W.Enkelmann. Fleet Net-Applications for Inter-Vehicle Communication [C]. Proceedings of IEEE IV 2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Columbus, USA, 2003. 162-167.

[15] H.Fussler, S. Schnaufer, M. Transier, et al. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: From Vision to Reality and Back [C]. Proceedings of Fourth Annual Conference on Wireless on Demand Network Systems and Services. Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria, 2007. 80-83.

[16] A.Festag, G. Noecker, M. Strassberger, et al. ‘NOW-Network on Wheels’: Project Objectives, Technology and Achievements [C]. Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation ( WIT ), Hamburg, Germany, 2008. 211-216.

[17] F.Li, Y. Wang. Routing in VehicularAd hoc Networks: A Survey [J]. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2007, 2 (2): 12-22.

[18] 刘智勇. 智能交通控制理论及其应用[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2003.

[19] 杨兆升. 智能运输系统概论[M]. 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2003.

[20] The OnStar System [OL]. Available: http: / / www. onstar. com. cn.

[21] J.Bronsted. Vehicle to Vehicle Services [Ph. D dissertation]. University of Aarhus Denmark, 2008.

[22] S.Kalasapur, M. Kumar and S. Shirazi. Seamless Service Composition (SeSCo) in Pervasive Environments [C]. Proceedings of ACM international workshop on Multimedia service composition. New York, USA, 2005. 11-20.

[23] G.Prochart, R. Weiss, R. Schmid, G. Kaefer. Fuzzy - based Support for Service Composition in Mobile Ad hoc Networks [C]. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services. Istanbul, Turkey, 2007. 379-384.

[24] D.Chakraborty, F. Perich, A. Joshi, et al. Mobile and Wireless Communications [C]. Proceedings of Personal Wireless Communications Conference, New Delhi, India, 2002. 53-62.


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